India e-Visa Guide

Your step-by-step guide to the India e-Visa
Getting prepared for your trip to India? Visas can always seem like hassle but not to worry, we’ve popped together a step-by-step guide, to help ease the process.

Information about the e-Visa and process
When visiting India for Tourism, you will be required to apply for an e-Visa. You can apply for single entry or multiple entry.
Your passport copy should have at least six months of validity from the date of arrival in India. The passport should have at least two blank pages for stamping by the Immigration Officer on arrival.
The cost is $35 per person.
Our concierge team will reach out to you around 2 months beforehand, prompting you to look at our visa guide. You cannot apply earlier than 30 days before your arrival date in India. They take around 5 days to be processed, however, sometimes they can be received within 24 hours. We would always advise to apply no less than 2 weeks before departure.
The only documents you require for the application are a copy of the passport that you are travelling on and a clear passport-style photo, with a white background.

Right, now it’s time to begin
Head here – you should be directed to the official India e-visa website. Please note: there is only one official website.
Note: This e-Visa site is best viewed in Google Chrome, on a desktop, and a credit card might not work for payment.
Surname: Please insert your surname.
Given Name: Please insert your given name.
Any Previous Names Held: If yes, please complete your previous surname and/or first name.
Sex: Select your sex.
Date of Birth: Complete your date of birth in DD/MM/YYY format.
Town/City of Birth: Provide the city/town where you were born, as shown in your passport.
Country of Birth: Select the country where you were born.
Religion: Select your religion.
Educational Qualification: Select the applicable option.
Visible Identification Marks: If yes, clarify the marks. If no, write none.
Educational Qualification: Select the applicable option.

Nationality: Select your current nationality.
Did You Acquire Citizenship by Birth or by Naturalization: Please select the appropriate answer. If naturalization, please note your previous nationality.
Passport Details: Complete your passport details on the double-spread main pages of your passport. If you have dual citizenship and hold 2 passports, you will need to add the details of both passports.
Address Details: Complete your address including postcode, phone and email in the relevant sections.
Family Details: Complete your mother, father and spouse’s details. If you are not married, ignore the spouse section.
Were Your Grandfather/ Grandmother (paternal/maternal) Pakistan Nationals or Belong to the Pakistan Area: Answer yes or no. If it is yes, you will need to add more details.
Profession/Occupation Details of Applicant: Complete details of your occupation, company name, address and phone. If you are not currently employed, please write unemployed and NA in all other sections.
Past Occupation: If applicable add your previous job title.
Are/were you in a Military/Semi-Military/Police/Security Organization: If yes, complete the relevant sections.
Type of Visa: Select TOURIST.
Period of Visa: Select 1 MONTH.
No. of Entries: Select SINGLE (unless applying for a multiple entry).
Purpose of Visa: Select TOURISM.
Expected Date Journey: Enter your date of arrival in India.
Port of Arrival in India: Enter the port in which your flight arrives in India.
Places to be Visited: Write in order the areas you are visiting e.g.: New Delhi, Agra, Jaipur, Jodhpur & Udaipur. You can use the Vamoos app or ask our concierge team if you need assistance with this.
Have You Ever Visited India Before: Answer truthfully. If yes, complete the relevant details.
Countries Visited in the Last Ten Years: Complete a list of countries that you have visited in the last ten years.

Name, addresses and Telephone numbers of two referees in the UK and in India.
For the UK contact, please add the following:
Company Name: Nemo Travel
Address: FBC Clerkenwell, 40 Bowling Green Lane, EC1R 0NE
Tel: +44 20 4571 9917
Additionally, state the name of someone else in the UK, who is not going on the trip with you.
For the India contact, please add the following:
Company Name: Travel Corporation of India
Address: Tower B · Delta Square · M.G. Road, Sector 25 · Gurgaon 122001 · Haryana, National Capital Region of Delhi · India
Name: Shishir Lohia
Tel: + 91 99110 88969
Continue and submit your payment!

That’s it!
Now the application is done, it’s time to wait for the visa to be granted. The e-Visa fee payment status may take up to 2 hours due to technical reasons/network delays. You will receive an application ID via email. This application ID will be 16 digits long, make sure to take note of it so you can check the status of your visa if needed. Make sure your e-Visa has ‘GRANTED’ noted on it.
Once granted, feel free to send a copy to the concierge team, they can get this added to your Vamoos app for ease. You will also be requested to present the visa upon arrival, we always recommend having a hard copy, as well as a digital version.
India e-visa customer care: 0808 178 5040 or [email protected].